His friend gave us two babies, and Olin made them a home in our giant 40-gallon aquarium tank. (I know a mesh enclosure is more desirable, but our friend who works at a pet shop - because of course we have a friend who works at a pet shop - said the tank should be okay for now!) Unfortunately, one baby figured out how to climb up the seam of the aquarium tank, over the mesh screen we use as a cover, and onto the porch. I think it fell the 12 or so feet to its death, so now we only have one baby left.
The other night (also on our porch), or roommate Tomus declared, "That's a huge moth!", so Olin and I went to investigate: and it was, indeed, a huge moth.
After a quick Google search, we believe this moth is a Daphnis nerii, a Oleander Hawk Moth! The green, pink, and purple are ridiculously pretty, right?
Finally, this past Tuesday Olin and I went to the local zoo with our roomies, and here are those photos:
Olin trying to pet Namaste, the resident white tiger, because that's not illegal or anything.
Sorry I haven't been updating much - my ultimate goal is to try to write here at the very least once a week, but midterms and work have been successfully kicking my butt. On the bright side: SPRING BREAK IS HERE!
I'm going to Oahu tomorrow to visit my mother and brother for three days and four nights, and I think this is the longest amount of time Olin and I will have spent apart in almost three years. (Is that sad? That's probably sad.) I'll try to take some good solo photos while I'm there. Without me around, Olin will have nothing to do, so maybe he'll finally get around to poking in and saying hi here. A girl can only hope!